If you have just closed a deal on a new house with a realtor, it is a very exciting time. However, getting everything together and moving into this house can be a little less exciting. There are a lot of common problems that make this process much more difficult than it has to be. In this video, you will learn about some tips on how to pack boxes properly for the easiest move possible.
The first thing when packing is to determine what goes in each box. A great way to sort boxes is by item type and room. For example, you could use colored tape to mark which room a box is going in. Red tape may indicate that those items are going into the kitchen while blue tape may indicate they are going to the bedroom. Further, you could use a marker to write on the tape to describe what category of items in the box. The more specific you make your labeling, the faster the process will be later. Lastly, make sure to not overpack a box. It can be easy to stuff a box to the brim. However, you want to ensure that it is safe to lift and carry up and down stairs.