Chimneys need to have dampers and other components. Smoke won’t be able to escape from the fireplace without a functioning damper. Installing or replacing the damper can be an important part of chimney repair. The chimney also absolutely needs to have a liner.
These liners keep the various chemical byproducts of the combustion process contained. Heat transfer also won’t occur properly without a chimney liner. The liners make the chimney much safer and more effective.
Some fireplace bricks might have to be taken away temporarily when the liner gets installed. People will use jackhammers and similar tools to make that possible. At that point, the chimney itself will have to be cleaned. Professionals will use a very large rotating brush that’s connected to a power source. They won’t try fully cleaning out the chimney manually.
It’s important to find a chimney liner that fits correctly, or it won’t be effective enough. High-quality chimney liners are often made using stainless steel, making them durable and strong. The chimney liner gets inserted into the chimney itself. Technicians will be on the roof at the time. They’ll then go back inside the house to help finish the chimney repair and installation process.