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Oak church pews for sale

Many of us have been to church — and of course, when a person attends a church sermon, the most important part of the process is the sermon. But there is a certain feeling that people need to get from church, and that is created not only by the activities involved, but the feeling of the church’s atmosphere. Yes, a church’s decor matters, as does its architectural design. In fact, some of the most important buildings in the world are, at their core, churches. Think of the Hagia Sophia, the Duomo in Florence, or even Saint Peter’s Cathedral. However opulent they are, these are all ultimately churches. With that being said, we all know that most churches aren’t looking to recreate that kind of opulence today. But there is a certain level of formality and tradition that goes into designing a church, both inside and out. From church steeple history to looking into church pews, there are many things one must consider when building a church, or simply decorating it. Below, we’ll look into the history of church architecture, as well as what makes a church appeal to modern congregations today. You may be surprised by how little has changed.

A Brief History Of Church Architecture

Early Christians obviously had to keep their religious beliefs under wraps, as they weren’t condoned by the Roman Empire. Therefore, the earliest churches were also houses. As Christianity spread and became a dominant religion, churches became more grand. People saw grand churches as statements that honored God. This is particularly true during the height of the Catholic Church. Catholic churches often came in the form of great cathedrals in large cities. These can still be seen today throughout Italy, France, and Spain, among other countries. These countries notably remained Catholic for a long time following the Protestant Reformation, and therefore there was little influence from Protestants in terms of church-building there. Cathedrals are usually designed in a cruciform plan. Romanesque cathedrals would gradually give way to grand Gothic cathedrals, and variations began showing up in different nations. For example, Italian great cathedrals are often called simply “duomos”. Though the Duomo in Florence is perhaps the most famous duomo in the world, it is not the only one. Cities like Siena also have their own personal duomos. Gradually, church steeples were added to these buildings, beginning a long church steeple history that has extended to today. Perhaps part of the reason why church steeple history has lasted past that of the duomo is because church steeples are simply much simpler, and easier to apply to every church — not just grand ones. Of course, the look — and functions — of churches would change after the Protestant Reformation.

Churches Following The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was triggered by visionaries like Martin Luther. Ultimately, this led not only to reform within the Catholic church, but the splintering of Christianity. Protestants had very different perspectives on worship — these beliefs were not simply different from those of Catholics, but different among separate sects of Protestants as well. A Lutheran, for example, would believe differently from a Calvinist. However, Protestants in general would favor church steeples and simpler churches in general — perhaps kicking off church steeple history in earnest. Protestants not only lacked the funds, in the beginning, to build grand churches; they also believed that God preferred simplicity. Protestants would bring about a very different look for churches, and popularize the use of church pews, among other types of church furniture. In fact, churches were not even furnished with permanent pews until after the Protestant Reformation.

The Value Of Decor In Contemporary Churches

It may not seem like modern churchgoers value the look of a church as much as people did centuries ago; but this isn’t the case. About 68% of Americans report still attending church services at least occasionally, and people will be more likely to attend if they feel comfortable in a church. Appearance, in this case, does matter.

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