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Best schools

One thing that you always hear about private schools is that they have access to greater resources. Because public schools rely on city taxes, their funding is constantly changing. One year they might have a sufficient amount to hire enough educators and provide students with the items they need to learn. Another year, the city?s population rates might be lower, resulting in a decreased budget. With fluctuating budgets, it can be difficult to consistently provide students with these extras. Private schools, however, have more consistent of budgets and offer the following resources to its students.

Access to computers

Technology is an important part of the work world today. The majority of jobs that are currently available and especially the expected job growths will include some amount of computer usage. Children in overly crowded public schools do not always have access to computer labs. Additionally, children that come from impoverished cities might not even have a personal computer at home. Computers are a necessary part of learning in today?s world. You will find that the majority of private high schools, even art high schools, have numerous computer labs. Some even provide students with personal tablets to further their technological learning at home.

Sporting team equipment

Sports have been a favorite school activity for years. However, in order for a school to offer sports, they need to have access to sporting equipment. A single football team needs a football field, a practice area, and appropriate football padding. Some schools might attempt to charge the students or organize fundraising efforts to obtain these items, but inner city kids are often unable to raise sufficient funding. For this reason, private schools have nearly 1.5 times as much enrollment in large cities when compared to public schools.

Performing arts instructors and equipment

Many private schools focus on fine arts and are considered a performing arts school. When young children aspire to become musicians, their training should start before the college level. Otherwise, they will struggle with acceptance rates when competing against children that already have years of professional instruction. One of the first things to go in public school budget cuts is performing arts. Music classes were once a normal part of the public school and today, many students do not have access to this type of an art high school. If your child dreams of becoming a musician or even attending a professional fine arts college, consider giving them the advanced resources of prep schools, such as an art high school.

Religious exposure

Religion tends to be a touchy subject today. Many lawmakers have pushed to get religion taken out of the public school system. This is because many students practice different religions and their parents do not want them exposed to varying beliefs. However, students show that religion is not necessarily a bad thing. It can help children develop healthy viewpoints. Additionally, the religion aspect of private schools is not always in an attempt to switch religions. Instead, it is done in an effort to educate. Children that are aware of other religions can develop a deeper level of understanding and an appreciation of other cultures. Parents of approximately 80% of students enrolled in a religious private school in 2011 to 2012 reported being very satisfied with their child?s school.

There are some resources that simply assist in the educational process. Without these resources, children might not have the tools they need to succeed academically. Public schools are not always able to offer these extra resources because of a lack of funding. This opportunity for additional resources is one of the biggest advantages of art high schools and private schools in general.

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