When it comes time to work with your divorce mediator, will you be prepared? Divorcing your spouse isn’t the easiest thing in the world, which means you need to prepare adequately for the legal processes involved. Even if you’re opting for divorce mediation, it pays to be prepared beforehand. Let’s review some tips.
The best piece of advice for couples preparing for divorce mediation is to prepare like a lawyer would prepare. Although the goal of mediation is to avoid a court date and litigation, the legal steps involved are much the same.
First, you’ll need to get organized. Organization is one of the most important things to keep in mind as you begin the divorce process with your spouse and with your mediator. Do you have all of the necessary documentation? Is there a running list of assets that need to be divided? These are important things to keep in mind before mediation.
It’s also important to keep a running list of issues that need to be resolved. Asset division is one thing, but you may also need to discuss custody agreements, financial reconciliation, and more. While it’s important to trust your mediator, they won’t know the specifics of your relationship and what you want to accomplish unless you come prepared to discuss those matters.