Addiction is unfortunately something that is fairly common in our society. There are many reasons an individual may suffer from addiction, but generally speaking, there are four main warning signs to be aware of. Keep reading to learn the warning signs of addiction.
The first warning sign is a biological predisposition. What this means is someone in the family, like an uncle, grandparent, or cousin may be already struggling or has overcome an addiction issue.
This puts other family members at risk of addiction simply due to it being in their biology.
The second sign is self-medication. Sometimes when people are feeling sad, anxious, guilty, resentful, or angry, they self-medicate with a substance to feel better. For example, drinking after an argument with your significant other.
The third sign is behavioral pairing. This happens when a situation and a behavior have been paired. For example, if you drink with your friends at the same bar all the time, that situation of being in that bar is paired with he behavior of drinking.
For more warning signs of addiction, watch the video above!