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Are you planning a big event? Whether you are planning a wedding, anniversary party of baby shower, you want it to be a very special event. You also may want to avoid spending a ton of money on it. It is very possible to throw a great party without spending an arm and a leg. There are many different locations for a baby shower, for instance. You have options and should explore them whenever you are putting together a large event like these.

6 Tips for Planning a Spectacular Baby Shower for Less Money:

  1. What is the best venue for your baby shower? There are many different locations for a baby shower that should be considered. Going to cheap banquet halls may not be appropriate but if you are looking to avoid spending a lot for renting various baby shower event locations such as clubs or restaurants, consider a personal home. Maybe that is your house or the home of a friend or family member. Many people look to local parks as great locations for a baby shower. You will need to plan for rain (unless the park has a covered or closed in area) and what the permit situation is. Some parks require you to get a permit for events like this. Outdoor baby showers can be a lot of fun.
  2. Go paperless for your invitations. When people plan a wide variety of events, they turn to electronic invites to invite people. Gone are the days when people are ok just buying paper invitations and then dropping them all in the mail. One added benefit to electronic invitations is that people can get directions to the various locations for a baby shower on the invitation. This is something you cannot do with a paper invitation. Skip the guestbook and leave out heavy card stock. Invite your guests to write out messages to the baby and the parents. After the baby shower, get a scrapbook and put all of the well wishes and messages in there.
  3. Buy your decorations in bulk. Go online and compare the prices of warehouse stores. Take a peek into the local stores and see where you can get decent decorations for less money. Pick latex balloons over mylar ones. If you can get a few dozen balloons, it will look great. When you look for plates, napkins and plastic flatware, you might want to check out some Christmas supply stores. They often sell dishes and cups for a lot less than you will spend anywhere else. You can get flowers from the famers’ market.
  4. Do it yourself catering will save you a lot. You can get amazing appetizers and the like at bulk grocery stores like Costco. You can save a lot of money by skipping the catering all together and getting what you need at Costco and Trader Joe’s (for events where you want wine, Trader Joe’s “three buck chuck,” bottles of decent wine for $3, cannot be beat). You can cook a few dishes yourself, if you are so inclined. Costco and similar stores also have great dessert options. Costco sells really wonderful cream puffs, for instance.
  5. No baby shower is complete without games. You do not need fancy games or anything like that. There are plenty of games out there that are great for baby showers and need people have only a pen and some paper. Look online for ideas about these kinds of games. You can find creative prizes that was as well that do not cost a lot. Face it, people do not attend events like baby showers because they want to play an expensive game or win a great prize. They are there to support their friend or family member and celebrate their new baby.
  6. What about the party favors? Food items can make really great and fun party favors. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are always popular options. Again, the guests at a baby shower are not there for the awesome party favors.

From looking at different locations for a baby shower to doing the catering yourself, you can plan a fun and memorable baby shower without spending a lot of money.



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