Old, drafty windows can increase your energy costs and decrease the comfort of your home. Home window replacements are a good move to avoid raising energy bills. This video outlines the steps to follow to replace your windows.
When deciding on your home window replacements, you have two options: full and insert window replacement.
You should choose a full home window replacement if your window frame is deteriorating and old. If your window is still in good condition and you want to replace it, opt for an insert window replacement.
The procedures you will need to build your new window could differ depending on how your windows are set up. To begin, measure the correct height of the opening to obtain the appropriate window size. Remove any storm windows you may have first. Use a utility knife to score along the storm window frame’s edge, then take out the screws and pry the frame using a putty knife or pry bar. You might need to remove the sash weights or springs from older windows. If necessary, use a shop vacuum to eliminate any dust or debris. Use finish nails to install outside trim around the window frame. To avoid denting the trim, drive the pins using a nail set.