Choosing the appropriate childcare provider is a critical step that can be overwhelming due to the numerous factors to consider. Checking for licensure is one of the factors to consider when selecting a childcare provider. The state licenses childcare centers and in-home providers to ensure the children’s safety and the center’s compliance with established rules.
While some centers may have violations, you should not be concerned if no red flag violation exists. Kayla explains this in her YouTube video, “What to Look for When Choosing Childcare.” She discusses the different violations to look for, including child abuse, bullying, unsafe sleep violations, and leaving children unattended.
Numerous visits to a center can assist you in analyzing the facility and determining whether it is a safe place to consider for your child. Additionally, it would help if you considered the environment by observing whether the children appear happy and whether the providers appear stressed.
The childcare provider you select should have an open-door policy, allowing you to check in on your child. Additionally, you should check the provider-to-child ratio at the center to ensure that the children are well cared for.