In this video from the Wise Money Show, details on how to choose the right Medicare plan are discussed.
Many times there is confusion on medicaid and medicare. One of the items this presentation discusses is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. The latter is a government-run healthcare program for individuals under 65 who can’t afford a commercial program. Conversely, Medicare is for individuals over 65 as well those with certain terminal illnesses.
Medicare isn’t an all-inclusive healthcare program. There are several parts that make up a complete policy. They cover outpatient surgeries, annual check-ups, and medications. Though many people qualify for each part, there are some who aren’t eligible. This is normally due to the amount of money the individual makes.
After this video, you will probably have a better understanding of the federal healthcare program and its many parts. Nevertheless, don’t go into the selection process on your own. Reach out to a Medicare advisor. These representatives are subject matter experts on the different parts of the program, commercial versions, and what your premiums could be.