A popular admonishment is to “stop and smell the roses,” but how often do we really take the time to pause and enjoy life’s simpler pleasures? In this case, consider flowers. They are associated with good feelings, such as declarations of affection and different life celebrations. While you yourself may not be an expert, there are some interesting facts around the ubiquitous floral arrangements.
How much do you spend on flowers in a year? It’s fairly certain that you don’t keep track of the expense, because it is not very great. The U.S. as a whole averages about $26 million annually. And yes, that is a lot of flowers.
Florists will tell you the most popular time of year for sales is, of course, Valentine’s Day. The day is mainly associated with bouquets of flowers and boxes of fancy chocolates. The American Society of Florists actually says the Valentine’s Day holiday accounts for 40% of the total monetary amount for the year. Roses are perhaps the best selling flowers for that particular holiday, as roses are symbols of beauty and love. They also smell lovely which is always a plus.
The average buyer of pretty floral arrangements may not be whom you’d imagine. About 15% of women have no problem sending themselves a bouquet on February 14th. The American Society of Florists also notes that about 36% of wives like to purchase an arrangement for their husbands, to show a little extra affection around that holiday.
Fresh flowers are not consigned solely to the holiday of love either. Weddings are just as vital to a florist’s annual profit. Besides an adorable flower girl tossing petals down the aisle, there is also the bouquets for the bride, bridesmaids, mothers, and floral arrangements for the tables.
The end result is quite a few flowers. The average wedding budget includes about 7% to 8% just for fresh flowers. A wedding florist may have better contacts or experience crafting arrangements than your local florist. As you may know, wedding bouquets are part of a theme. They must match the color scheme, budget, and personal preference of the bride and perhaps the groom. It can be tricky to get a hold of flowers that are out of season, but again, an experienced wedding florist who has some advance notice can work wonders.
Flower delivery has made the problem of forgetting an anniversary date a thing of the past. If you find that you have considerable trouble remembering the day in question each year, it may be best to have a standing order for that time of year. Convenience has its price, but piece of mind is hard to come by.
After Valentine’s Day, weddings, and anniversaries, there is another annual holiday where flowers are appreciated: Mother’s Day. While your birthday is all about celebrating you, Mother’s Day is a designated day to remind your mom how much you appreciate everything she has done for you. Pretty flowers she would probably never buy herself is one simple way of achieving that.
Flowers sometimes get a bad rap because of they lack longevity. Tulips last three to five days once cut, and roses last just a little longer. But the lifespan of a bouquet is not the point. It is the gesture behind those beautiful flowers that makes them mean so much. Yes, the flowers will wither and die, but the memory remains. That is why flowers are such a long-lasting symbol of affection.