There are a number of signs that your tree could come crashing down at any moment. However, there is no way of knowing exactly when this will happen. This is why you should contact a tree removal company to safely remove the tree from your property. Otherwise, the tree may destroy some of your property.
In this video, you will learn how to identify common signs of a dying or dangerous tree that is more susceptible to falling over.
If the entire tree is likely to fall over, you will often notice that the ground surrounding the tree is loose. There may even be exposed roots as the tree starts to lean one way. If you notice this happening with a tree in your own yard, waste no time in calling for professionals to remove the tree safely for you. It is often dangerous to attempt to remove a tree on your own. This is especially true with a tree that is already leaning over. If you need it to fall a direction other than the way it is leaning, it will require some serious experience and skill to pull off.