Shutters are one of the many different window treatments that you can have on your windows. One of the benefits of shutters is that they can be hung outside of your home as well as inside. If you are hanging shutters on the outside, there are some important things you should know.
The first thing that you should do when hanging the shutters is to measure. You need to make sure that the shutters are the correct size for your window. Shutters should match up with the window on the top and should be a couple of inches below the window on the bottom. When you are making your measurements, you may need to make some cuts to ensure that they fit how they should.
Once you have measured the shutters you need to drill mounting holes. On each shutter, you will be making four mounting holes. Make the holes ahead of time so that you can easily get the shutters in place. Pilot holes are the last step and these holes use the mounting holes as guides. Drilling the pilot holes takes place when the shutters are placed on the window. After this your shutters are complete.