Choosing an orthodontic treatment for children can be difficult for parents. There are options from braces to Invisalign, the latter of which has a 96% satisfaction rate. Watch the video linked here to find out all the options for orthodontic treatment.
Any orthodontic service will start with Phase I, which is any treatment that occurs when you have mixed baby and adult teeth (mixed dentition). You might choose partial braces for this treatment. This occurs in patients between the ages of seven and 12.
Phase II is for patients with only secondary teeth. Here, full braces will be utilized. The length of the treatment will vary from patient to patient depending on their jaw pliability and degree of tooth misalignment. Older patients typically need to be in braces for a longer time. There are appliances that can be added to speed up the process of your treatment.
Patients can choose between standard metal braces and clear aligners. You want to weigh the cost of braces with the cost for aligners, as they will differ. Aligners might also be good for those who don’t want adult braces. All of these treatments can be used to fix overbite, crossbite, or rotated teeth.
Make sure to consider these factors when choosing an orthodontist. Look into centers near you, or ask your doctor for a recommendation before moving forward.